Thursday, April 5, 2012

A Turn of Events

I was reading a good friends Blog and realized I was reading to much into what a Blog is suppose to be. I stated that mines would be a look into the life of an event planner. However, every time I tired to write I didn't like the entry so I would erase it and not post.
The first quarter of the year was not good for CREATORS. By March 2011  I had already completed a baby shower, two adult birthday parties and closing in on one of the biggest weddings with two venues on opposite sides of town with 250 guest. I thought since I had a great year that 2012 would follow suit; however it came in like a lamb.
I was knocked off my high horse; I guess I need a reality check; I had been here before  eight years ago when I decided to quit my job and start my own business. It's funny when you know your worth and try to show others.Oh I still had people inquiring about products and services; no contracts being signed and no deposits being made. My pride was hurt it was effecting my home life big time. See you know me as the owner and chief decorator of this out the box event planning company, but I wear so many more hats. Mom, Wife, daughter, sister, friend, aunt, niece, Birthday Party consultant to one of the oldest science museums in Philadelphia and more... 
This took me to a state of depression. So with my down time I decided to redo my price list, get new marketing material, open a twitter account [@CREATORSevents] and promote more on my personal facebook page. I also shifted some of my focus to the scholarship foundation I had started.The C. Pink Scholarship foundation was started to help children who's parents were affected by breast cancer with college expenses. I created a facebook page to get the world out and lots of people showed interest  so I decided to jump right into our first fundraiser that didn't do so well. This only added to the sadness that I was already feeling. Then I remembered a quote "Don't Dream ya Life Live ya Dreams" ~Miasha Colman {}. This reminded me that I had come a long way and that if I had already made it this far there was no turning back now...........


  1. Please don't give up. I have watched you since we were kids decorate and plan all of our events. You were meant to do this. The economy is bad, so my advice to you is: Find a niche. Successful companies have a special something that no other parties offer. Have you ever thought about pet parties? There is a market of people who really dedicate their lives to their pets. Have you ever thought about getting a spokesperson to represent C. Pink. Research celebs or personalities with or have made it through breast cancer. They can help get the word out. They can also draw people into your events. Whatever you decide to please please please never give up. I am here for you.

  2. Running your own business is tough. Especially when you need to do everything yourself. The best small businesses are the ones that don't give up and make themselves better. Keep it up. and don't forget your friends and family got your back.

    Matt Hoyt
    Designer, Matt Hoyt Web Designs
